The nespresso compatible aluminium pod for Nespresso coffee machines | Ecopods

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The nespresso-compatible aluminium pod for Nespresso coffee machines

Nespresso is a brand known for its range, which is among the highest on the international market, in terms of coffee. The particularity of its machine lies in its compatibility with the different brands of coffee pods. One of the different models of pods, which is perfectly suitable for this machine, is the Nespresso compatible pods.

What are the best coffee pods?

When we talk about a coffee machine, we immediately think of a better nespresso compatible aluminium pod. However, the best ones are the following.

Nespresso Solimo

It is a UTZ-certified pod, and its production and cultivation are ecologically responsible. It is an Arabica variety, but roasted, balanced and velvety to perfection. What makes this product special is its processing method, which gives it a strength of 3/5. This makes it an intense coffee.

Nespresso L'Or Espresso Splendente

This pod is very famous for its flavour, due to itsvery efficient balancing method. Its particularity lies in its nutty and citrus notes. It generates more of a creamy cloud, accompanied by a rather sweet taste. Each package contains 10 cartridges, each containing 52 grams.

Dolce Gusto Lungo

This is a pod, containing a roasted blend, dark in colour and well balanced. It has a subtle flavour with a blackcurrant note. It consists of a combination of Arabica beans from East Africa and South America. It is very rich in aroma, and offers a tasty beverage, accompanied by a fine velvety cream.

Which pod for Nespresso Pixie?

Pixie is a variant of Nespresso machines, with a rather chipie design. It has a more compact size, and is only compatible with certain pods, such as nespresso compatible pods 2018.


This organic pod is filled with the full-bodied coffee of French roasters. It is roasted slowly and longer than some of its competitors. On a scale of one to five, it has a mix of intensities at three, four and five levels. All have a blend of Arabica beans.


Solimo offers the most affordable pod set on the market, compatible with Nespresso Pixie. This pod variety pack is also the cheapest on this list. It is filled with pods of different intensities, ranging from a level 3 to 5. A bag of 10 decaffeinated pods is also included if you want to enjoy the caffeine-free espresso flavor.


This boldly flavored pod pack from the California-based coffee chain includes a selection of four different varieties. It ranges from a 4-level intensity to a 5-level. Each pod is filled with 100% Arabica coffee beans, and individually wrapped to preserve freshness.

How to replace the Nespresso pod?

Before replacing a nespresso compatible aluminium pod, make sure that the pod container is empty. Then press the pod ejector lever. The used pod will be automatically ejected into the pod container. Theninsert the new pod, respecting its position.

Where to buy Nespresso coffee pods?

An aluminium pod compatible with nespresso can be bought by the following methods.

In Nespresso boutiques

In fact, the various products of the Nespresso brand can be found in the brand's boutiques. The advantage of this method is the possibility of offering a wide range of choices of variants. There is even a Nespresso club, allowing you to enjoy each product. It even offers advice and methods for preparing coffee.

In land-based stores

There are land-based stores where it is possible to buy coffee pods compatible with Nespresso. You can buy them at :

  • Supermarkets
  • The supermarkets
  • The grocers
  • Nespresso Clubs


It is also possible to purchase Nespresso coffee pods, by ordering online. One can have a wide range of choices of websites, which represent different brands. This is the fastest way to get coffee pods. This method of purchase is still subject to conditions, as it is strictly reserved for members of its club.

Which pod for Nespresso?

There is a wide choice of pods for Nespresso on the market. The following three products are the most recognized for their compatibility with this brand of machines.

Black card

This pod brand holds an important place in the international coffee market. It stands for exception and luxury at an affordable price. It is a very popular brand among consumers. It is available everywhere, especially in supermarkets and online. It is the second most popular brand in the French market for coffee pods.

The Espresso Gold

This pod is known for its very affordable price. It is available in major retailers. Manufactured by La Maison du Café, it has its own particularity, especially in its preparation method. It can also be purchased on the Internet, which is much more economical than other methods of purchase.

Ethical Coffee Company

This is a very popular brand of coffee pods. Manufactured by Jean-Pierre Gaillard, it has an excellent reputation because of its biodegradable pod. This makes it environmentally friendly. It is mainly made of Arabica from Latin America.


The choice of a pod for Nespresso machines is vast, whether it is original or compatible. However, all Nespresso compatible pods offer an incomparable experience without having to pay a fortune. Amongst these choices, one can inevitably find one's coffee pleasing, as it is a question of taste.